Sample Clients

Here are some examples of the clients and situations that I work with. I hope they give you a sense of who I work with and whether my services might be a fit for you. Each of the people and situations described is a current or recent client. For a more detailed picture of an example client, see Mike’s case study..

iStock_000000606866XSmallJames recently left a very successful career in investment banking in London. He has amassed considerable financial assets but his work has left him drained and spiritually barren. He is taking a sabbatical and using me and “A Better Way to Work” to help him create the property development business he has dreamed of for years.



Heather is a consultant within Accenture. She knows that the work she is doing is not quite right for her, but is not yet fully clear about the work she wants to do. Together we are exploring her passions and talents as we design together the next iteration of her career.


happy businessmanRoger is a manager with an auto manufacturer. He is taking a sabbatical to set up a retail and online business with his sons selling video games, and skateboarding supplies to teenage boys. He uses me to keep him on track in his new role as CEO.relaxed client


Alan is a leader within the Episcopal church. He has recently taken on a new senior leadership role and is using our coaching to help him manage the transition. I help him stay true to his calling and highest intentions as he navigates managing in a new and more complex environment.


1. The names and pictures used to illustrate my clients are not theirs. They have been changed to protect confidentiality.

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